Spiritual Empowerment is the step to

Peace beyond Understanding

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Spiritual empowerment through and beyond the 12 steps takes the universal elements from AA and provides six additional steps designed to empower anyone to live an incredible life based on the the development of spiritual health and to awaken you to the divine unity of this human experience.

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The World of the Spirit

In the first Nine steps of AA you begin to understand that the human role you are playing is a very small part of what you really are…. this is where you start seeing spiritual beings as opposed to alcoholics or just human beings. The human being and the spiritual being are not separate, they are the same. The human being has been programmed for the third dimension and the spiritual being is able to move in the third dimension and beyond

Spiritual Empowerment Is authored by James Loughman during his 57 years of experience with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and his personal journey toward spiritual growth. The Book expands the traditional 12 steps with six additional dynamic steps created to foster deeper spiritual awareness and unity.

Through personal experiences with addiction and recovery, Loughman underscores the importance of addressing emotional and spiritual well-being alongside achieving physical sobriety. A key focus is “spiritual fitness” which involves identifying and managing negative emotions while aligning with higher vibrational frequencies. The book also explores the transformative power of service, sharing stories from Loughman’s time as a hospice volunteer and his travels abroad. Designed as a guide to self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Spiritual Empowerment offers practical steps and personal insights to help readers achieve wholeness and oneness.

James Malinchak, Author

Peace Beyond Understanding…

I have been sober for 31 years and I’ve worked with James for the past 13 years. I can honestly say he has great insight and understanding both through his experience and knowledge of recovery in what we call the greatest spiritual movement of the 20th century. …

He has given me great insight into my world of the spirit and shown me how to raise my vibrational frequency to experience true joy, happiness, and freedom….

Mike Schmitt

World Of Spirit

World Of Spirit


Look Inside for everything


About The Author

James Loughman is a Vietnam Veteran with over 40 years clean and sober.  Completed his Addictive Disorders Studied in 2002. Has been a certified Transformational Coach since 2014. Been in the 12 step recovery process since 1968. A hospice volunteer, for many years.

Facilitated workshops on “Spiritual Empowerment Through and beyond the 12 Steps”. That is the title of the book he has written. He has ridden over ½ million miles on motorcycles in over 30 countries. His passion are being a parent, service to others and traveling.

James has spent the last 20+ years living in what the 12 step manuscript describes as the “World of the Spirit”. There you don’t find the lower frequency emotions, such as worry, guilt, fear, shame etc. You understand that life is always happening for you and never to you. In our workshops we define just what is in your “World of the Spirit”, it is different for each individual.

If there is anyway I may be of service to you

please, text me at 805-746-1440 

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